Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowships 2015

Call Deadline
16 Mar 2015
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


Borse di studio Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowships 2015.

Sono aperte le selezioni per l’attribuzione di borse post-doc in Germania nei seguenti ambiti di ricerca:

  • Humanities and Educational Research
  • Economics, Social Sciences and Spatial Research
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences

Possono partecipare: ricercatori che hanno concluso il loro dottorato di ricerca da non più di due anni con inglese eccellente che non hanno nazionalità tedesca e non hanno risieduto in Germania per più di 6 mesi.


The Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowship programme is jointly carried out by the Leibniz Association (Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz e.V.) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Leibniz-DAAD fellowships offer highly-qualified, international postdoctoral researchers, who have recently completed their doctoral studies, the opportunity to conduct research at a Leibniz Institute of their choice in Germany.

At the time of application (date of signing of the application form) applicants for a Leibniz- DAAD Research Fellowship must neither hold German nationality nor have resided in Germany for more than six months.

Applicants should

  • be able to prove their outstanding academic or research achievements,
  • have completed their studies with a PhD or equivalent qualification (no more than two years should have passed since graduation) and
  • have excellent knowledge of English. Knowledge of German is welcome.

Leibniz-DAAD research fellows can undertake their research at the Leibniz Institutes listed in the following links:

  • Section A: Humanities and Educational Research/Geisteswissenschaften und Bildungsforschung
  • Section B: Economics, Social Sciences and Spatial Research/Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Raumwissenschaften
  • Section C: Life Sciences/Lebenswissenschaften
  • Section D: Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering/Mathematik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften
  • Section E: Environmental Sciences/Umweltwissenschaften

Le borse, della durata di un anno, sono bandite dall’associazione Leibniz e dal Servizio di scambio accademico tedesco DAAD nell’ambito del programma di Fellowship congiunto realizzato da Leibniz Association e DAAD e consentiranno di svolgere un’espertienza di ricerca in uno dei centri di ricerca Leibniz.


Fellowships can be awarded for 12 months and include:

  • a monthly instalment of €2,000,
  • a combined health, accident and personal liability insurance in Germany,
  • a research allowance of €460 per annum and
  • a two-months German language course in Germany (if desired).

Le domande devono essere presentate entro il 16 marzo 2015.

I partecipanti non devono avere la residenza in Germania.

Per maggiori informazioni consultare i Links.

Beneficiaries and Aims

Call status
Closed Calls
Enterprise category
Non Applicabile
Trasporti, Audiovisivo, Alimentare, Agricoltura, Farmaceutico, Sanità, Cultura, Turismo, Ict, Commercio, Energia, Servizi, Industria, Sociale, Costruzioni
Places to Invest
Europe, Germany

Incentives and Expenses

delle seguenti tipologie...
Premio, Borsa di studio
Borse Leibniz, Ricercatori
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