Interreg Italia-Grecia 2021-2027


Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy Programme 2021 -2027 Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021-2027 D.5.3 . Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 2 of 122 CONTENTS 1. Joint Programme Strategy: Main Development Challenges and Policy Responses .... 6 1.1. Programme Area (not required for Interreg C programmes) .......................... 7 1.2. Joint Programme Strategy: Summary of Main Joint Challenges, taking into account economic, social and territorial disparities , as well as inequalities, Joint Investment Needs and Complimentary and Synergies with other Funding Programmes and Instruments, Lessons -learnt from Past Experience and Macro -regional Strategies and Sea -basin Strategies where the Programme Area as a whole or partially is covered by one or more strategies ....................................... 8 1.3. Justification for the Selection of Policy Objectives and the Interreg Spec ific Objectives, corresponding Priorities, Specific Objectives and the forms of support, addressing, where appropriate, missing links in cross -border infrastructure .... 39 2. Priorities ........................................................................................... 57 Priority 1: Enhanced cooperation for a more competitive and smarter GR -IT area .... 57 Priority 2: Enhanced cooperation for a greener and low carbon GR -IT area ............ 69 Priority 3 : Enhanced cooperation for a more social and inclusive GR -IT area ........... 80 Priority 4: Enhanced governance for cooperation in the GR-IT area ...................... 92 3. Financing plan .................................................................................... 99 3.1. Financial appropriations by year ........................................................ 99 3.2. Total financial appropriations by fund and national co -financing ................. 100 4. Action taken to involve the relevant programme partners in the preparation of the Interreg programme and the role of those programme partners in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation .............................................. 101 5. Approach to communication and visibility for the Interreg programme (objectives, target audiences, communication channels, including social media outreach, where appropriate, planned budget and relevant indicators for monitoring and evaluation) ...................................................................................................... 105 6. Indication of support to s mall -scale projects, including small projects within small project funds ..................................................................................... 109 7. Implementing provisions ....................................................................... 110 7.1. Programme authorities ................................................................... 110 7.2. Procedure for setting up the joint secretariat ....................................... 111 7.3. Apportionment of liabilities among participating Member States and where applicable, the third or partner countries and OCTs, in the event of financial corrections imposed by the managing authority or the Commission .............. 112 8. Use of unit costs, lump sums, flat rates and financing not linked to costs .......... 114 ANNEX 1. Map of the Programme Area ........................................................... 115 ANNEX 2. SWOT Analysis of the Programme Area ............................................. 116 ANNEX 3. Appendix 3 (Interreg Regulation) ............. Errore. Il segnalibro non ‘ definito. ! Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 3 of 122 TABLE WITH ABBREVIATIONS CCIs Cultural and Creative Industries CSF Common Strategic Framework DESI Digital Economy and Society Index EC European Commission EGTC European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation ENI European Neighbourhood Instrument ERDF European Regional Development Fund EURCI European Regional Competitiveness Index EUSAIR EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region GDP Gross Domestic Product GVA Gross Value Added IPs Investment Priorities ICT Information and Communications Technologies IPA Instrument for Pre -Accession ISO Interreg Specific Objective JPC Joint Programming Committee JS Joint Secretariat MIS Management Information System MA Managing Authority MSME Micro, Small - and Medium -Sized Enterprise NEETs Not in Education, Employment, or Training PA Priority Axis PC Programming Committee PO Policy Objective PPS Purchasing Power Standards ROP Regional Operational Programme RII Regional Innovation Index RIS3 Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation RCI Regional Competitiveness Index SGIs Services of General Interest SME Small - and Medium -Sized Enterprise SO Specific Objective Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 4 of 122 INTRODUCTION The present deliverable D.3 is the second version (V1.1) of the final Cooperation Programme that will be submitted to the members of the Programming Committee for further comments, prior to the final submission to the EC. More specifically, t he deliverable presents the final version of the Cooperation Programme which includes all the chapters of the Cooperation Programme taking into consideration the results of the first and the second round of Public Consultations as well as the decisions taken by the Programming Committee and other processes. More specifically (in chronological order): "!The decisions of the 1 st Programming Committee that took place on 3 rd July 2020 whereby the Rules of Procedure (RoPs) were approved and a first discussion was held with regard to the key characteristics of the new programming period on the basis of the Orientation Paper that was published by the Commission, as well as the possible territorial enlargement of the eligible area of the programme to include the regi ons of Basilicata and Calabria. "!The decisions of the 2 nd Programming Committee that was held on 9 th December 2020 whereby the initiation of the 1 st Round of Public Consultations in a form of a web -survey (google forms) was decided on the basis of the amen ded versions of the submitted questionnaires for categories A, B and C.The Programming Committee approved the territorial analysis of the intermediate deliverable ID1.2 Ò1st Draft of the Cooperation Programme Interreg Greece Ð Italy 2021 -2027Ó (V1.2)and it was agreed to follow a bottom -up approach in the selection of the ProgrammeÕs Policy Objectives and Specific Objectives considering also the results that will come out of the consultation. "!The results that came out from the 1 st Round of Public Consultati ons that took place between 28/12/2020 and 15/01/2021 and it was further extended until 29/01/2020. Such results are being included in the intermediate deliverable ID1.4 ÒFirst Round of the Public Consultations in the form of a Web -SurveyÓ that was submitt ed on 09/02/21. "!The discussions and decisions of the 3 rd Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 04/03/2021. The results that were presented by the consultant as per deliverable ID1.2 Ò1st Draft of the Cooperation Programme Interreg Greece Ð Italy 20 21-2027Ó that formed an updated version on the basis of the results of the Public Consultation, including an amended territorial analysis and intervention logic on the basis of the discussion and comments of the previous PC. The decision of the PC with reg ard to the defined Policy Objectives and more particularly the selection of the following: PO1, PO2, PO4 and ISO1. "!The results of the 2 nd Round of of Public Consultations that took place between 15/04/21 and 14/05/21 as per the decision of the previous PC and was extended to 04/06/2021. During this period, a web -survey, two workshops and a number of targeted interviews with selected stakeholders took p lace. The results are included in the Ò2nd Consultations ReportÓ that was submitted to the members of the PC on 22/06/21. "!The discussions and decisions of the 4 th Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 14/07/2021. During the PC the consultant prese nted the first final version of the Cooperation Programme as per the intermediate deliverable ID3.1. It was decided that the draft will be updated on the basis of a number of interventions and comments put forward by the members, in order to be sent for wr itten procedure for further comments prior to the final submission to the Commission. Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 5 of 122 "!The discussions and decisions of the 5 th Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 23/09/2021. The draft Final Version of the Programme Document was presented by the consultant and the PC elaborated on it, especially in terms of indicative actions per SO, budget allocation among PAs/SOs, governance issues and indicators. "!The discussions and decisions of the 6 th Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 21/10/2021. The updated Final Version of the Programme Document was presented by the consultant and the PC elaborated on it, especially in terms of budget allocation among PAs/SOs, and the potential use of Sma ll Projects / Small Project Fund as well as Simplified Cost Options (SCOs). "!The discussions and decisions of the 7 th Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 14/12/2021. The updated Final Version of the Programme Document was presented by the consulta nt and the PC elaborated on it, especially in terms of common actions on strategic proposals, national co -financing rates and common indicators . "!The discussions and decisions of the 8th Programming Committee (PC) that took place on 22/03/2022. The updated Final Version of the Programme Document was presented by the Managing Authority and the PC elaborated on it, especially in terms of justification on the use of financial instruments , technical assistance arrangement sand next steps for the final submission of the Programme. The chapters of the Programming Document follow the template included in the Interreg Regulation 1 and are as follows: 1.!JOINT PROGRAMME STRATEGY: MAIN DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES AND POLICY RESPONSES 2.!PRIORITIES 3.!FINANCING PLAN 4.!ACTION TAKEN TO INVOLVE THE RELEVANT PROGRAMME PARTNERS IN THE PREPARATION OF THE INTERREG PROGRAMME AND THE ROLE OF THOSE PROGRAMME PARTNERS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION 5.!APPROACH TO COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY FOR THE INTERREG PROGRAMME (OBJECTIVES, TARGET AUDIENCES, COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, INCLUDING SOCIAL MEDIA OUTREACH, WHERE APPROPRIATE, PLANNED BUDGET AND RELEVANT INDICATORS FOR MONITORING AND EVALUATION) 6.!INDICATION OF SUPPOR T TO SMALL -SCALE PROJECTS, INCLUDING SMALL PROJECTS WITHIN SMALL PROJECT FUNDS 7.!IMPLEMENTING PROVISIONS 8.!USE OF UNIT COSTS, LUMP SUMS, FLAT RATES AND FINANCING NOT LINKED TO COSTS. 1 Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 on specific provisions for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) supported by the European Regional Development Fund and external financing instruments (published in OJ L 231, 30.6.2021) Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 6 of 122 COOPERATION PROGRAMME INTERREG VI-A GREECE-ITALY 2021-2027 !CCI Title Interreg V !-A Greece -Italy Version V1.2 First year 2021 Last year 2027 Eligible from Eligible until Commission decision number Commission decision date Programme amending decision number Programme amending decision entry into force date NUTS regions covered by the programme EL541 "#$% , &#'()*% (Arta/Arta, Preveza) EL542 +),-#.$/% (Thesprotia) EL543 !.01121% (Ioannina) EL621 30451678 (Zakynthos) EL622 9'#45#% (Kerkyra) EL623 !604: , 9);%<7120 (Ithaki Kefallinia, Kefall 7nia) EL624 =)540>% (Lefkada) EL631 ?2$.<7%4%#1%1/% (Aitoloakarnania) EL632 ?@%A% (Achaia) EL633 B<)/% (Ileia) ITF43 Taranto ITF44 Brindisi ITF45 Lecce ITF46 Foggia ITF47 Bari ITF48 Barletta -Andria -Trani ITF52 Matera ITF61 Cosenza ITF62 Crotone ITF63 Catanzaro ITF65 Reggio di Calabria Strand A 1. Joint Programme Strategy: Main Development Challenges and Policy Responses Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 7 of 122 1.1. Programme Area (not required for Interreg C programmes) Reference: point (a) of Article 17(3), point (a) of Article 17(9) Text field [2000] Cross-border cooperation between Greece and Italy has been consolidating over the years. The Programme Area has been enlarged with the addition of two (2) new Italian regions, namely Basilicata and Calabria Regions, covering eleven (11) regional units from Greece and eleven (11) provinces from Italy. More specifically, it embraces: "!Three (3) Greek Regions: o!The Region of Western Greece, including the following Regional Units: Aitoloakarnania, Achaia, Ileia; o!The Region of Ionian Islands, including the following Regional Units: Zakynthos, Kerkyra, Kefalonia, Lefkada; and o!The Region of Epirus, including the fo llowing Regional Units: Arta, Thesprotia, Ioannina, Preveza; "!Three (3) Italian Regions: o!The Region of Puglia, including the following Provinces: Foggia, Bari, Brindisi, Lecce, Barletta -Andria -Trani (BAT) and Taranto; o!The newly added Region of Basilicata, including the Province of Matera; and o!The newly added Region of Calabria, including the following Provinces: Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone and Reggio Calabria. The Programme area is located in the southern part of the European Union and covers a territory of 59.950,83 km 2 with a total population of 7,1 million inhabitants. The Programme area is clearly maritime, but we can note also a relevant presence of rural areas in Puglia (Murgia, Capitanata and rural area of Salento), in Matera (where the c oastline is only 35 km out of the total area of 3.479 km 2). Calabria is a very mountainous area like Epirus and some part of Region of Western Greece (Aitoloakarnania). Calabria and Epirus are also linked by historical migration of the Greek -Epirotes in Ca labria (Cosenza). In the Programme area there are islands: major islands in Greece ( Kerkyra , Lefkada, Kefalonia , Zakynthos ), as well as small islands in Greece and Italy (Tremiti in Puglia, Dino and Cirella in Calabria Ð Province of Cosenza). Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 8 of 122 1.2. Joint Programme Strategy: Summary of Main Joint Challenges, taking into account economic, social and territorial disparities, as well as inequalities, Joint Investment Needs and Complimentary and Synergies with other Funding Programmes and Instruments, Lesson s-learnt from Past Experience and Macro -regional Strategies and Sea -basin Strategies where the Programme Area as a whole or partially is covered by one or more strategies Reference: point (b) of Article 17(3), point (b) of Article 17(9) Text field [50 000] 1.2.1. Summary of the Main Joint Challenges Demography As mentioned above, the Programme area has a total population of 7,1 million inhabitants that is further specified per Region and Regional Unit / Province in the following table. TABLE 1. Population of the Programme Area REGION REGIONAL UNIT / PROVINCE POPULATION TOTAL POPULATION PER REGION Western Greece Aitoloakarnania 210.802 679.796 Achaia 309.694 Ileia 159.300 Ionian Islands Zakynthos 40.759 204.624 Kerkyra 104.371 Kefalonia 35.801 Lefkada 23.693 Epirus Arta 67.877 336.856 Thesprotia 43.587 Ioannina 167.901 Preveza 57.491 Puglia Foggia 606.904 3.953.305 Bari 1.230.205 Brindisi 385.235 Lecce 782.165 Barletta -Andria -Trani (BAT) 384.801 Taranto 563.995 Basilicata Matera 194.853 194.853 Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 9 of 122 REGION REGIONAL UNIT / PROVINCE POPULATION TOTAL POPULATION PER REGION Calabria Catanzaro 349.344 1.739.395 Cosenza 690.503 Crotone 168.581 Reggio Calabria 530.967 TOTAL 7.108.829 Source: Greece - Census 2011, ELSTAT; Italy Ð Census 2019, ISTAT The Programme area shows a high level of ageing population, as depicted in the following chart. CHART 1. Population by Age Group in the Programme Area Source: EUROSTAT Western Greece Ionian Islands Epirus Puglia Basilicata Calabria Population - ages 60+ (2019) 188.408 60.753 112.737 1.131.115 166.668 538.816 Population - ages 45-59 (2019) 137.586 45.125 68.548 901.116 129.470 425.185 Population - ages 30-44 (2019) 126.358 40.546 60.031 765.197 105.295 375.327 Population - ages 15-29 (2019) 109.734 27.740 49.348 657.540 90.775 319.901 0500.000 1.000.000 1.500.000 2.000.000 2.500.000 3.000.000 3.500.000 4.000.000 Interreg VI -A Greece -Italy 2021 -2027 D.5. 3. Final Version of the Cooperation Programme Page 10 of 122 Moreover, as highlighted by ESPON 2, rural shrinking is widespread and long lasting in the macro -region of South Europe. This is evident in the vast majority of the Italian regions of the Programme area (with the exception of the Provinces of Bari and Barletta -Andria -Trani), as well as in t he Greek Regions of Western Greece (Regional Units of Aitoloakarnania, Ileia, Achaia), Epirus (Regional Units of Preveza and Arta) and Ionian Islands (Regional Unit of Kerkyra), as depicted in the following chart. CHART 2. Demographic Changes in Rural Regi ons of the Programme Area Source: ESPON, ESCAPE 2020 2 ESPON (2020): ÒESCAPE - European Shrinking Rural areas: Challenges, actions and perspectives for Territorial GovernanceÓ - Final Report

04 Oct 2022
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€ 106 000 000
Ammodernamento, Cooperazione, Digitalizzazione, Formazione, Inclusione social, Innovazione, Miglioramento competitività, Promozione, Ricerca, Sviluppo, Tutela ambientale
Places to Invest
Greece, Puglia, Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Di Calabria, Matera
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