Biotech and Bioeconomy Partnering Event - IFIB 2017


05 Ottobre 2017 08:30

Palazzo Rospigliosi

Biotech and Bioeconomy Partnering Event - IFIB 2017

On the 5th and 6th of October, in Rome, the 7th edition of "IFIB - Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy" will take place. Biotechnology is the focus of the Forum as provider of new resources for industries. Amongst the speakers there will be Murray McLaughlin, President McLaughlin Consultants and an Advisor to Bioindustrial Innovation Canada, Dale Walker, Project Manager at The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and Thomas Arnold, Advisor for Sustainable Bioeconomy in Directorate-General Research and Innovation of the European Commission.


Conferenze    |    Palazzo Rospigliosi    |    Set ricorrente

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