Ready to fund and protect your ideas?


05 Settembre 2018 13:00

Ready to fund and protect your ideas?


EU funding post 2020 for Innovation, Creativity and Intellectual Property

28th Economic Forum - Krynica, Poland

September 5th 2018

Ready to fund and protect your idea?

Economic growth depends also on innovation and creativity. Culture is the foundation of every society. That's why EU funds and Intellectual Property protection are so important for researchers, entrepreneurs and citizens.

- The financial resources for innovation in EU budget 2021-2027 are sufficient to fight global competition?

- What actions and investments have to be funded to improve awareness of the importance to protect innovation and creativity?

- What kind of aid is better to transfer technologies to the markets?

- How to support the development of relations between companies and universities?

- How to incentivise companies to register patents and use their value to boost innovation?

- Are the benefits of IP fully understood by entrepreneurs and researchers?

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