Juncker Plan - members of Investment Committee for EFSI

EFSI CommitteeEIB appoints members of Investment Committee for European Fund for Strategic Investments.

EIB - support to 38 new projects

EU Funds - public consultation on Erasmus+

EU - photo contest for the end of roaming

EU roamingThe Commission has launched an online summer photo contest to celebrate the end of roaming charges in the EU.

> Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017 

EU - public consultation on Database Directive

Digital agenda - EU auditors to examine broadband policy

Digital AgendaThe European Court of Auditors will examine wether the EU broadband policy is on-track to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives.

> Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom, second call for 2017 

EU - public consultation on Database Directive

Urban Innovative Actions initiative - new topics for third and fourth Call

Urban Innovative ActionsThe Urban Innovative Actions initiative unveils the topics selected for the third and fourth Call for Proposals.

Interreg MED 2014-2020 - second call opens in January

> Interreg MED 2014-2020 - first call for modular projects 

Economic Forum - Krynica, a recipe for the coming decades

Economic Forum Krynica - Photo credit forum-ekonomiczne.plProject Europe - A Recipe for the Coming Decades. The 27th Economic Forum will be held in Krynica-Zdrój (Poland) from 5 to 7 September 2017. 

Innovation - Poland, Małopolska Region supports new business solutions

Urban Innovative Actions initiative - new topics for third and fourth Call

Ukraine - consulting services in transport sector

Ucraina - Photo credit: Author UP9The assignment includes technical assistance for development of a national transport plan.

China - consulting services in logistics sector

Bosnia and Herzegovina - consultancy in public procurement sector

Connecting Europe Facility - Transport, Commission proposes 152 projects

CEF TransportThe European Commission is proposing to invest 2,7 billion of euros in 152 key transport projects.

> Connecting Europe Facility - EU invests in key energy infrastructure

> Connecting Europe Facility – Energy, forthcoming calls 2016 

Horizon 2020 - MERIL 2, map of EU research infrastructures

H2020 ResearchMERIL 2 is the new database of European research infrastructures.

> Horizon 2020 - join the Graphene Flagship 

Horizon 2020 - CORE Organic call 2016   

China - consulting services in logistics sector

China - Photo credit: Adam Jones, Ph.D. - Global Photo Archive via Foter.com / CC BY-SAThe contract regards project management, construction supervision and financial management in logistics project.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - consultancy in public procurement sector

Disaster risk management - Call for event organization in Japan

Bosnia and Herzegovina - consultancy in public procurement sector

Bosnia and Herzegovina - photo credit Video Archive on YoutubeA consultant is required in Bosnia and Herzegovina to provide services to improved public procurement system.

Disaster risk management - Call for event organization in Japan

Montenegro - IPA II, service contract in financial sector

Rwanda - tender for supply of university equipment

Rwanda - Photo credit: hjallig via Foter.com / CC BYThe invitation to tender concerns the procurement of equipment and furniture in Kigali City.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - consultancy in public procurement sector

Disaster risk management - Call for event organization in Japan